British Indian Diaspora In UK Organised A Car Rally In London, To Support Yogi Ji And Modi Ji For UP Elections

British Indian diaspora in UK organizing a car rally on Sunday 27th Feb 2022 in London, UK, to support Yogi Ji and Modi ji for UP elections.

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Here in the UK the Indian Diaspora want to show our love respect and support for the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath ji, in the current ongoing elections.

We thought a car rally would be ideal due to the unpredicted weather in the UK and ease of logistics for all. This will be symbolic rally to send aloud massage to people from UP to vote for yogi ji .

We want to show our support and unity and send a clear message to families in UP that we stand in support of Yogi ji and encourage everyone to vote for betterment, vote for Yogi ji.

Since 2017 Yogi ji has made such improvements and implemented various infrastructure, which has had a positive impact on the daily lives of the residents of UP. Previously most fathers had to travel outside of UP to find work and sustain their families.

This has meant children growing up without seeing their fathers for long periods of time and women raising children alone.There was no quality or quantity of time which families could spend together. Yogi ji is successfully creating jobs in UP itself which will have huge positive impact on daily family life.

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